Choosing Financial Freedom

Choosing Financial Freedom

  • Creating A Plan For Repaying Your Payday Loan

    Unlike a traditional loan, payday loans often need to be rolled over every two weeks. This rollover process is usually automatic, but carries a hefty fee with it. These fees often create a cycle of dependence on these loans--with the average borrower carrying a balance 7 months out of the year. However, that doesn't have to be your fate. If you're relatively new to using payday loans, a few financial tips can help you avoid these fees.

  • Preparing To File For Bankruptcy? A List Of Bills You Should Continue To Pay

    If you have made the difficult decision to file for bankruptcy, you may have a challenging question on your mind. You may find yourself wondering what bills or debts you should continue to pay on until your paperwork is filed and your case is in front of a judge and what bills you can set aside. Here are a list of bills you should continue to pay as you prepare to file for bankruptcy.

2024© Choosing Financial Freedom
About Me
Choosing Financial Freedom

One day I realized that I might have a shopping addiction. Every single thing that came across my computer screen or that I saw in stores I felt like I just had to have. It was an overwhelming, ever-present need, and it was really difficult for me. I didn't know what to do about it, so I decided to work with a counselor to overcome my obsession. She referred me to a financial counselor, and it really helped. Within a few months, I was able to see my problem and stop purchasing things that I didn't need. This blog is all about choosing financial freedom.
