Choosing Financial Freedom

Choosing Financial Freedom

  • Three Things To Bring To Your Tax Preparation Service As A Newly Self Employed Person

    Opening your own business means more than just a few changes to the way that you work. When tax season comes around, you will also have to deal with the tax differences for your self-employed taxes. Getting a tax preparer to help you with your new filing changes will make it easier to avoid mistakes. In order to prepare your taxes properly, you will need the standard information such as your business income and business losses.

  • 3 Things You Need To Know About Getting A Home Loan

    Getting a home loan might feel impossible to some people. If you are a first time home buyer then you are probably wondering what you can do to make sure that you get the loan without troubles. There are a couple things that you can do to improve your chances of getting a home loan. Here are some tips. 1. Don't Change Jobs Once you start the home loan process it is important that you stay in the same position at work.

  • Getting Out Of Credit Card Debt? 4 Ways To Save Money At The Same Time

    If you're tired of credit card debt and working on getting rid of it for good, you are probably focused on reducing the balances. However, it's also a good idea to work toward paying the least amount of money while you do so. Here are 4 tips for saving money while paying off your credit cards. Target High Rates To save money, you'll want to identify and pay off credit cards in the order of their interest rates.

  • How Much Should You Really Spend On A Diamond Engagement Ring?

    If you are getting ready to pop the big question and ask someone you love to marry you, you've probably been thinking a lot about buying a diamond engagement ring. You are naturally concerned about the style of ring she would prefer, but chances are how much you should spend is also one of your major concerns. While there is no right or wrong amount to invest in a diamond ring, there are some things you should consider.

  • Rare Coins and Road Trips: Family Outings for Budding Numismatic Enthusiasts

    Collecting rare coins is a fun and rewarding hobby that your whole family can enjoy together. You can start with the most simple action—sorting through piles of pocket change and piggy banks for old silver quarters and wheat pennies. By checking online or in a coin-collecting book from the library, you can find the value of these fascinating pieces of history. These first coins you find are the foundation for a hobby that can engage children in discovering more about history, commerce, and even mathematics.

2024© Choosing Financial Freedom
About Me
Choosing Financial Freedom

One day I realized that I might have a shopping addiction. Every single thing that came across my computer screen or that I saw in stores I felt like I just had to have. It was an overwhelming, ever-present need, and it was really difficult for me. I didn't know what to do about it, so I decided to work with a counselor to overcome my obsession. She referred me to a financial counselor, and it really helped. Within a few months, I was able to see my problem and stop purchasing things that I didn't need. This blog is all about choosing financial freedom.
